Inclusive education has become an important discourse in the global community. The main goal of inclusive education, which is oriented towards meeting the learning needs and creative space of survivors of disabilities, certainly needs to be adjusted to the development of time in various aspects. Innovative and solutive ideas and creativity are needed to deal with these needs and challenges. As an effort to accommodate and demonstrate ideas for the quality and progress of special education, the 2024 International Special Education Scientific Paper Competition (INSEPCO) was held. INSEPCO is an international special education scientific paper competition for all undergraduate or higher education students in Southeast Asia.

As part of the 14th International Conference on Special Education in South-east Asia Region (ICSAR) 2024, INSEPCO 2024 aims to invite undergraduate students in Southeast Asia to collaborate in formulating their best ideas for the advancement of special education. In addition, INSEPCO 2024 is held to foster awareness and empathy for people with disabilities and their existence in society.

INSEPCO 2024 will select the best paper team based on the above assessment criteria. All teams or participants who have submitted abstracts and full papers will be awarded certificates of appreciation. The type or various categories of winners will be announced during the release of the champions. The total prize amount will be IDR 50,000,000.